Saturday, September 1, 2018

Once again something I started did not get finished.  Problem:  lack of focus.  And here I am getting ready once again to start something new, something in no way related to this blog.  I'll tell you what it is so it will be related to this blog.  It's a composition book with the pages taped together with washi tape.  Sue made one and it was really cute.  Of course if I continue here, beginning my project is going to be delayed, but I am focusing on something.  Ok, (said with new resolve) I will go begin a new project and try to get my focus on  More later....

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Fall is in the air and it seems summer just began.  Most of the summer was spent going back and forth to LeMars because Sandy decided to take a 6 week vacation at the bed, breakfast and IV inn.  Her wounds look much better so I guess the spa treatments were worth it.  Unfortunately, her absence gave me a lot of unsupervised time to watch crafting videos and to discover I need many more supplies which were easily acquired thanks to internet shopping.  When the men in white coats take me away (hopefully to a place with a large stocked craft room) I'm going to name names of all the videographers so they can be held accountable for my disease.

Today I'm bringing her home so the gig is up.  I'm going to have to actually demonstrate how to use all my new supplies.  Jolly fun, eh?  Yes, a lot of the videos are done by friends across the pond, and I've also been watching a lot of British shows on Netflix, so a bit of the vernacular might have crept into my vocabulary.  Ta-ta for now!

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Still no sign of spring.  But summer is here.  I have a nice little area with an overhang so I can sit outside and feel the breeze without  being in the hot sun.  However, I do feel that the town fathers should start naming our breezes since sometimes they are gale-force.  I would be happy to help with that process.  Hey Sue, should we have Joey AND Alli come up with some names?

Monday, May 28, 2018

Summer arrived with a vengeance.  I think this is the 5th day in a row of over 90 degrees and one day we hit 100.  But that one day of spring was nice.
While the rest of us struggled through our colds, Sandy got pneumonia and spent 12 days in the hospital for IV antibiotics.  Her recovery has been slow.  Kris and family were just here for the holiday weekend and today she is trying to catch up on sleep.
Our latest passion is art journaling.  Mostly the passion is buying supplies we need after we've watched some videos.  But it's fun, and a great way to relieve stress.

I went to Cedar Rapids to meet my newest grandboy.  He is a sweetheart and adorable.

My other little grandboy went with his mother into a mother/infant treatment center.  I miss him but have a feeling I will be spending a lot of time with him again.  

Thien misses him, too.  He really loves the babies.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Spring has indeed arrived, warm temperatures, no snow  But on the negative side, the wind is blowing so hard.  I can't even go and sit outside.  I'm just sitting by the window waiting for that lethal stop sign to come blowing in and decapitate somebody  Since there are only two of us here right now, it might be me.  If anybody feels warmhearted, perhaps you can leave us some "amens"
in our comments.  Then maybe God will drop by and see about the wind.  more later.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

It finally warmed up and the snow has melted, and Thien and I got sick with colds.  If you should catch my cold, I beg you not to take a decongestant.  I'm not even sure what they are for.  I took one today in hopes that it might help dry up my nose; instead my nose instantly turned into a snot faucet.  It just dripped and dripped and I sneezed and sneezed and my eyes watered and it was very miserable.  Now it is bedtime and after some Benadryl, I'm feeling somewhat drier.  I'm hoping for a good night's sleep.  Because you know what else came with the warm weather?  My son and his 6 week old son moved in temporarily and since he works 12 hr days (my son, not the baby), I am the babysitter.  And babies are exhausting!  Grammy needs to start lifting weights.   Wait.  I AM lifting weights.  I feel like I've gained 10 pounds.  So now I need to lose 10 pounds to make up for the 10 pounds I gained....hmm, I'll have to think on that.
Meanwhile we are busy working on our art journals, or at least shopping for things we need for our art journals.    But maybe I will just take my weights and sit on the deck and rock.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Friday Fun

Today I got my Magical powders from Lindy's and I can't wait to use them.  But....I'm saving them for tomorrow so Sandy and I can have fun together.  I keep picking them up to look at.  They are in tiny containers so I will have to be frugal with them.  I will try not to hoard them.  I also got some clear gesso, that I think will work better on my collages.  We are having lots of fun experimenting with art journaling and magazine collages.  Unfortunately we keep seeing products we need, yes, need, but someday we will be world famous for our page spreads and the money spent will be well worth it.